DC Load Banks designs for
battery & fuel cell testing
12V to 1200V DC
AC Load Bank designs for testing:
Gensets and UPS Systems
3kW to 1500kW
Load Bank rental & sales
1989 to 2022 in the standby power industry
AC Load Bank designed for testing
1 & 3ph Gensets and UPS Systems
3kW to 1500kW
DC Load Banks designed for
battery & fuel cell testing
12V to 1200V DC, up to 4500A
Hillstone design & manufacture an extensive range of load banks for AC - UPS & Genset testing and DC - standby battery & lithium-ion discharge testing.
From the UK factory & rental depot our global presence is provided with sales partners across the world, including Hillstone Ireland in Dublin.
Additional partner representation in Europe, Middle East and the Far East provides a local presence in Holland, Qatar and Saudi Arabia.
Hillstone design & manufacture an extensive range of load banks for AC - UPS & Genset testing and DC - standby battery & lithium-ion discharge testing.
From the UK factory & rental depot our global presence is provided with sales partners across the world, including Hillstone Ireland in Dublin.
Additional partner representation in Europe, Middle East and the Far East provides a local presence in Holland, Qatar and Saudi Arabia.
Application Note 1
The auto regulated HACA load bank design provides a permanent solution to prevent generator diesel engine failure due to wet stacking.
Wet stacking occurs due to under loading of the genset which results in wet un-burned fuel building up in the engine.
This fuel build up will over time line the combustion chamber cylinders and cause a reduction of the engines rating and efficiency which will ultimately cause premature failure of the generator. Running the generator on load of 50% - 100% of the genset rating will allow the engine to reach the recommend operating temperature, which will burn off the choke deposits.
Application Note 2
Battery Discharge testing is the approved method to determine the capacity of Lead acid and (Nickel Cadmium) Ni Cad/Ni Cd batteries, as recommended by all battery manufacturers such as Enersys, Exide, C&D Technologies, Hawker, Yuasa, Exide, Hoppecke, Saft, Varta, and in accordance to BS6290 part 4 / IEC TR 62060.